
Happy time with designers of Mini labo from Paris

Mini labo brings a romantic feeling with daily objects to us with its cute floral prints and cute charaters. They make us happy to enjoy our daily life. It is based in Paris.

ミニラボ(mini labo)

The badge shows Rosebay flowers minilabo staffs like. I’m happy to get it.

Minilabo fan meeting was so great !


(left)Ms. Celine Heno (center)Ms. Caroline Diaz (right)Ms. Sophie Adary

The mini labo fan meeting was held in Osaka , I attended it and I met a trio of very talented designers of Mini labo. They are from Paris.

Both Celine and Caroline are working mothers

Celine has 16-year-old son, and 12-year-old daughter.

Caroline has 16-year-old daughter and 14-year-old daughter.

Sophie speaks Japanese well, she introduced herself to us in Japanese.She said she was leaning Japanese now.

What’s mini labo?

Mini labo is a creative unit born in Paris.
They launched Mini labo in 2004. Now Mini labo is on 10th anniversary.

ミニラボ(mini labo)

↑ one of staffs of bellemaison wears a dress and a bag produced by minilabo.

The Eiffel Tower,clock on the wall, dolls beside her are all products of Mini labo.

How cute they are ! minilabo charaters

ミニラボ(mini labo)

Mascot character,Simon is a bear,his name comes from Caroline’s uncle.

She said she thought she named her child “Simon” if she had a boy. She has 2 daughters now.

Elliot is a cute alien, and its name came form Celine’s son.

How mini labo was introduced to Japan ?

ミニラボ(mini labo)

Caroline’s house was introduced on a magazine ,and publishing company helped mini labo and  Bellemaison (Sensyukai) to collaborate.

Mini labo covers decoration, stationary,fashion,accessories,children’s products to table ware.

Collaboration of Mini labo and Bellemaison started with house goods.House goods for example towels, lingerie are sold only in Japan.

When Mini labo held a 10th anniversary event in Paris, Bellemaison minilabo goods were displayed,and women and girls  in Paris had an interest with them.

Taking interests in everything is the most important to create works

Their inspiration come from daily life.And also when they have a travel,they feel a lot through scenery and experience.

They said taking interests in everything is the most important to create works.

Now I know I’m sure they are all charming persons.

ミニラボ(mini labo)

Celine and Caroline talked in French, so interpreter helped us to communicate. It’s an honor to meet them and talk together. We all enjoyed very much.

I was charmed by their personality and also I was fascinated with French. They talked in so beautiful French.

Workshop thrilled everyone !

ミニラボ(mini labo)

There are 4 kinds of samples. I selected Simon.

ミニラボ(mini labo)

Materials were prepared, and I started to make my own Simon. I used a pair of scissors and paste.

ミニラボ(mini labo)

Patterns were prepared, and I was happy to use them.

ミニラボ(mini labo)

We could choose we like from a lot of pretty papers.

ミニラボ(mini labo)

Wow~, so many pretty flowers for decoration ! I can’t decide which one I should use !

ミニラボ(mini labo)

Now I finished to make my Simon. How is it ?


Celine and Caroline signed their names on my work for me. It would be one of my treasure.

ミニラボ(mini labo)

Thank you very much for giving us a chance to meet Celine and Caroline and Sophie in Japan. I am looking forward to getting new mini labo works and see them again !

▼See below about Bellemaison (Sensyukai) mini labo (Japanese)

▼See below about mini labo web page (French)
mini labo

